Thursday, 24 January 2013

From Script to Screen - Influence Map for Death

From the start when I decided on my story I knew that I would have to think about a more interesting design for my Death character rather than the typical Grim Reaper look with the black cloak and scythe. I put together an influence map of popular Death personifications from films, tv programmes and similar looking characters. As well as other design from concept art etc.

The idea of Death actually being a spirit like character much like the middle image is quite appealing to me and a possible design choice. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alex - come on, mister - chop chop! You've got a great story idea... where's all the work? Where are all your production drawings/landscapes/thumbnails/storyboards... onwards, Alex, onwards - 3 weeks is a very short time in which to pre-produce an animated short - don't think for one minute that it is not! You need to crank it up and keep it cranked - get on with it!
